Thank you to all my friends and family for your support!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Slacker week...

I'm hoping this is normal for most people training for this. My son has been sick, and I haven't been feeling great. However, I managed to squeak in a few strength training days and a swim. I also had some training at work to complete that threw my schedule off. So, I'm not going to focus on it too much, I'll just keep driving forward and start again as if I never missed a beat. Looking forward to warmer weather!

Quitters never win and winners never quit!

Friday, January 22, 2010

New training plan...

I have had to adjust my training plan several times. Since realizing that the YMCA is the best option for swimming and indoor bike training, we decided to get a membership. This changed my training plan to accommodate the family schedule and conform to the pool's as well. I also get up for work at 0400, so training in the a.m. is impossible. Here's what I came up with:

M= Easy run, Swim
T= Bike
W= Strength training
T= Long run
F= Swim
S= Strength training
S= Bike

Please comment with any advice. After 8 weeks I'd like to transition to a SBRSBR and repeat. This would constantly vary my weeks, giving me 3 days of each event every 4 weeks. The template would look like this:


Friday, January 15, 2010

Learning to breathe...

Today was a swim day, and was unlike the previous one. I recently bought goggles that dramatically improved my ability to swim more efficiently. However, I now have to learn how to swim with my head down, exhale under water, and inhale on timed strokes. At first I thought this would be easy. Wrong! Suzie told me to relax and just swim, and that I'd get it eventually. So I practiced gradually putting my face down and exhaling while staring at the pool bottom. I must say that I felt faster and more efficient when I was able to do so, until my rhythm was thrown off and I snorted water through my nose and gave myself a chlorine-based hydration! I'll study more, and get it down. I plan on studying some yoga breathing techniques for all three events. Anyone have Phelps' number?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The bike challenge...

I've learned that the biggest challenge I face right now is finance. By the time you pay for registration, a bike, helmet, hydration, shorts, shoes, glasses etc. etc., you realize that it's a big investment. So, I'm trying to do this on a shoestring! The bike is my biggest challenge, as ofcourse, it is the most expensive item on the menu. Also, it's winter, and biking outside is impossible where I live. So I do what I can at the gym. But, it won't get me down. I'll keep on fighting the battle.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A beautiful run...

Today's run was down a winding, snow-covered dirt road flanked by a frozen marsh and a dense forest of pine and spruce. The air was perfect, and a few flakes of snow fell, as if they were the remaining flakes falling from a recently turned off snow machine perched above. I kicked up a small deer that ran across the road about 50 feet in front of me. The snow created a beach-like affect, and gave me an even better workout. The dark trees that arched over the road were lightly dusted with snow, and I passed a pitch black creek with snow capped pebbles within it. It was as if I were running through an Ansel Adams picture.

Yesterday: Found a pool at Tunkhannock High School about 30 minutes away. Felt great!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Found a pool!!

Thank God! Man, I was worried I would not find a pool to start training. I also got my bike back from the shop today. It's old, ugly, and a tad small for me...but it's the tool I have to work with, and I'm appreciative of it. I'll start swimming Thursday, and getting into my rythm now. Little nervous, but confident.

Thank you for the great posts! They keep me motivated! Thanks Mom, love you too. Bryan, you're everything a friend could want, and I'l definitely ask for advice. Micky, thank you so much for the kind words! I miss you and love you very much!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hill repeats in 10 degree weather with wind is NOT fun...

Enough said. Felt good though. Started new program for total fitness and fat burn for 8 weeks. No pool yet. I think I have time though.