Thank you to all my friends and family for your support!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The quote that sums it up...

"When I began I was most worried about not finishing. But I realized the biggest failure would have been to not even try."
-Unknown, from Dean Karnazes video

-Ran 7 miles with large hills 2 days ago. Fantastic run.
-Swim is getting consistently smoother and stronger. Building confidence.
-Bike needs work. Must increase now!
-Getting nervous, but referred to above quote!
-Have to find a place to stay in NH. Cabin, hotel etc.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Doing pretty well...

I was nervous for a while that I wasn't doing enough, and that I bit off more than I can chew. But I learned to relax and enjoy my journey. I have a little under 3 months to go, and I'm doing pretty well.

I just ran 4 miles easy with hills and had a great swim day Saturday. I'm a little sore lately, but to be expected. I realized not to worry so much, and just focus on training consistently.

I now run Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Wed and Fri is 3:00 a.m. runs before work. I then bike those days in the afternoon. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays are swim days at our pool.